Methods for optimizing the design parameters of a photovoltaic power plant (PVP)



Relevance: to increase the generation level, solar panels must be installed at optimal tilt angles and optimal azimuth orientation. In most of them, the optimal tilt angle and azimuth of the panels are selected based on the condition of the maximum amount of solar radiation received per unit area of the receiving surface during the working period of the solar power plant. A significant factor that is not taken into account, but plays a significant role in determining the amount of electricity generated, is the partial shading of the panels. Among the various types of partial shading, we can highlight those that are repeated regularly every daylight hours - these are shadows from neighboring rows of solar panels and from surrounding stationary objects.

Aim:  solution to the problem of optimizing the distance and height between rows of photovoltaic modules, i.e. their angles of inclination, in order to reduce the level of influence of photovoltaic modules on energy production in photovoltaic power plants.

Methods: a systematic analysis of the results of energy examinations of electrical networks is used, as well as the study of foreign experience in conducting examinations of power installations and a comparative analysis of various types of energy examination.

Results: partial shading of solar panel rows affects energy production differently when FM is positioned vertically (portrait orientation) on solar panel frames and when FM is positioned horizontally (landscape orientation).


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How to Cite

Adil G. Sаliev, & Sherzot M. Mirzabekov. (2024). Methods for optimizing the design parameters of a photovoltaic power plant (PVP). PROBLEMS OF ENERGY AND SOURCES SAVING, 4(4), 91–98. Retrieved from
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