Journal Title: “Problems of Energy and Sources Saving” 

Founding Institution: Tashkent state technical university

Chief Editor: Allayev Kakhraman Rakhimovich

Deputy Chief Editor: Sitdikov Rashid Abdurakhmanovich

Scientific Secretary: Rakhmonov Ikromjon Usmonovich

Technical Editor: Niyozov Numon Nizomiddinovich

Publisher: “MOHIRBEK-ZIYO” LLC, Tashkent

Country of publication: Uzbekistan

Languages of publication: Uzbek, Russian, and English

International Index: ISSN (print) 2091-5985

                                   ISSN (online) 2181-1946.

Publication frequency: Quarterly

Journal website:

Editorial office phone: +998 (91) 402-24-22.

Postal address: 100095, Tashkent, University Street, House 2 

The “Problems of Energy and Sources Saving” journal was registered by the Press and information department of Tashkent city under the number №02-0044 on january 12, 2007. The journal was established in 2002.