Optimal load management through the use of intelligent control systems and digital platforms



Relevance: the increasing number of energy consumers and the rising energy consumption each year are making load management and monitoring the technical condition of energy consumers progressively more complex. Traditional load management methods often lead to issues in the energy system, such as improper load distribution, overloading, and similar problems. Additionally, challenges related to promptly devising, adopting, and implementing organizational and technical measures for optimal load management remain significant. Here, the use of intelligent management systems and digital platforms offers an effective solution. This article addresses the management issues in implementing and controlling organizational-technical measures through digital platforms to ensure the efficient and rational use of energy resources in industrial enterprises, aiming for optimal load management.

Aim:  the primary objective of this article is to develop methods and algorithms for optimal load management in industrial enterprises through the use of intelligent management systems and digital platforms. This facilitates energy efficiency improvement by automating the planning, monitoring, and evaluation of energy consumption.

Methods: the methods used include planning and monitoring of organizational-technical measures, forming an energy balance through a digital platform, evaluating efficiency, automating energy consumption monitoring, utilizing a digital platform for management, and assessing compatibility for solution selection.

Results: optimal load management, increased energy efficiency, cost reduction, resource savings, automation of processes, and enhanced management efficiency enable industrial enterprises to optimally manage energy consumption and effectively implement technical measures.

About the Authors

How to Cite

Raxmonov , I., Qurbonov, N., Zhang, L., Nimatullayev, I., & Niyozov, N. (2024). Optimal load management through the use of intelligent control systems and digital platforms. PROBLEMS OF ENERGY AND SOURCES SAVING, 3(3), 164–171. Retrieved from https://energy.i-edu.uz/index.php/journal/article/view/86
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